Noodles of singapur


Noodles of singapur
Noodles 1 pack, 2 tbsp oil, soyasouse 1 table spoons,
Chilli souse ½  tea spoon, tomato souse 1 table spoon,
Salt and sugar ½ tea spoon, ajinomoto ½ tea spoon,
1 onion slice, 1 capsicum slice, 1 carrots slice ,
vinegar 1 table spoon, salary to taste.


Boil the noodles. Make heat the oil in
fry pan. Then pour the noodles in pan.
Giving soya souse, chilli souse, tomato souse,
salts, sugar, onions slice, capsicum slice,
and carrots, stir well. Then give ajinomoto
and vinegar and stir a little time.

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